Wednesday, 25 February 2015 04:07

How a web designer can improve your business life

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Often you’ll find business owners looking for more than just a web designer. And they don’t just need a website either. They’re looking for a better life…

I know you’re thinking “right, so you’re telling me a web designer can improve my life?”. Yes, that’s correct.

Because ultimately what you’re looking for is more clients, more free time and the warm feeling you get knowing people look up to you and your brand.

I’m confident that it’s fair to say; business owners wouldn’t go out and spend hard earned dollars on a website just because it’s something to do right? Well maybe some like to keep up with the joneses, but if you’re like me, you’ll seek out assistance when you’re looking to move forward and make your life better.

Here are three ways a web designer can make your life better:

  1. A professional web designer can bring you more clients cost effectively
    A professional web designer doesn’t just build you a good looking site, they create a site that will deliver on your desired outcome; more clients.
    More clients and customers mean more money in the bank and because of the effectiveness of professional online marketing, often you’ll see a higher percentage of net profit compared to traditional forms of marketing.

  2. A web designer can make you look good
    When clients perceive your brand to be worth more, stand for higher quality you’ll find clients look at you as a more reputable supplier then your competitors.
    Clients will spend more money with you when they can see from the start that your brand is worth more and if your website screams “D.I.Y.” they’ll do the complete opposite.
    A great website designer can create a better image that’s consistent across the board so when prospects see you here and there and then visit your website, it will serve up brand recognition and professionalism.

  3. A website designer can integrate systems and save you time
    Right now there’s a good chance you use multiple systems to run the day-to-days of your business. This may be your accounting procedures, your sales procedures and often production.
    Take all of the mundane manual tasks you currently do and imagine how much time you may save if they were automated and integrated.
    Maybe you could offer a portal for your clients to check on the status of their project without you manually needing them to send a report each week…
    Maybe you’re struggling manually with trying to get your email list from your website’s opt-in box into a program that can send bulk emails every month…
    A web designer who understands business and process can develop online systems that integrate and save you time. Imagine how much time you could save!

Technology is changing the way we do business and big scale marketing has never been so affordable. 

So when you’re spending less time, making more money and enjoying the brand recognition you deserve just remember, these are the real reasons us web designers exist.

The websites we develop for clients Australia wide cater to most budgets. You may be a small business just starting who needs to look the part and bring in some new business or a large organisation looking to integrate and automate.

Feel free request a fixed price quote by entering your details in the form to the left and remember, when you speak to one of our staff, tell us what you really want so we can help you get there.

Read 2497 times
Tim Williams

Founder and Managing Director of A Website That Works For You, Tim Williams has lead "The Green Team" to success helping business owners take advantage of leading Web Design and Online Marketing practices.

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