Friday, 07 April 2017 09:27

Simple Ways to Improve Your Shopping Website’s Performance

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Your Sydney website is a business investment. It should give back in it’s own way. And, one of the ways it does so is through your online shopping page.

When done correctly, it can convert your site visitors into actual clients, even without the intervention of a real life sales rep. Your website is a sales rep, on its own.

Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Put in some time in writing your product descriptions. Don’t take your product descriptions for granted. A big mistake that some Sydney businesses make is to breeze through their shopping cart’s content. They either make direct copies of the description from the supplier’s website. Or, they make generic ones that don’t do justice to the products or their website. Your product descriptions are ways to speak to your target audience. So… really speak to them! Use language that your users use. Relate the descriptions to their actual needs. Don’t just do a run through of features. Your prospects have seen these a countless times. It is always better to talk about benefits, instead. Say, your target market are parents with kids. Talk to them about your products, and relate the products to their realities as parents.
  • Use good images. The visual aspect of your website is as important as your words. So, take time in putting together photos for your shopping cart. Ideally, your images should be consistent in theme and lighting. Maybe pre-packed shopping carts also offer zoom-in options. So, include this into your considerations when picking your photos.
  • Showcase your products. For some items, such as jewellery and clothing, showcasing items can help sell them. Create scenarios wherein the focus are on the products. Don’t just plop the products onto a wall and take pictures. These items are better presented through models and relatable settings. You might need to spend a little more here but a little creativity can make a huge difference.
  • Consider product video. A step further from product showcases are product videos. When you’re selling high investment items, such as real estate or cars, you should also invest a little more on your shopping cart. Include videos that highlight the features of what you’re selling. Consider 360 videos, which gives your users panning control.
  • Use the right review software. Reviews – when you’ve got a good product – help. Having these on your shopping cart is an easy way to assure you’re prospects that your legitimate and the product they’re considering is good. However, it is important to use the right review application on your website. Don’ default on the default. Look around and see what’s best. Sometimes, actually, the Facebook comment app is enough.
Read 1477 times
Tim Williams

Founder and Managing Director of A Website That Works For You, Tim Williams has lead "The Green Team" to success helping business owners take advantage of leading Web Design and Online Marketing practices.

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