Wednesday, 25 February 2015 04:11

Generate leads online with a call to action that works

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A website is not a static entity online. It's not there just to look pretty – it should do something for your business. It should sell; or, at the very least, generate leads online. This is one of the things that differentiate a website that works and one that doesn't. To do this, a great Call to Action is your best friend.

A Call to Action (CTA) is a phrase that encourages your site visitors to take action. Action here can be anything. It can mean getting them to buy. It can mean getting them to sign up for a newsletter. Whatever it is, an effective CTA is a good way to generate leads online. There are several things to remember when devising a great CTA.

First of all, when wording your Call to Action, stick to active verbs. Passive verbs are no-nos. Active verbs connote action and encourage a move forward. If your audience likes what you want them to do, they will click, buy or sign up. Passive verbs, on the other hand, might put your audience to sleep.

Also, keep it short. Between 'Sign Up Now' and “Sign Up Now to Get Up-to-Date News about Coffee,' the first is more effective. It urges immediate action and does not drone too long. Presumably, you would have stated the benefits of signing up in your content – these shouldn't be in your Call to Action.

Speaking of content, this should include all important information that makes it easy for your audience to take action. If you want for them to sign up, you should outline the benefits of doing so, while assuring that your will keep their contact information private. Make your email address and business phone number visible. Your online prospect may want to ask a few questions first before signing up or buying. Having this information ready. This way, they won't even need to leave your sign up page. They can call right away, and sign up after.

The placement and size of your Call to Action is also important. Have your CTA immediately after your benefits list since this is the logical sequence. Readers read from top to bottom. Plus, make it big enough to be seen by people with less-than-perfect vision. Don't make them hunt for the Buy button

Lastly – and this is perhaps the most important of all tips – be open about changing your Call to Action. No one gets it right the first time around, not even the best online marketer. Draft alternative CTAs and test each one. Retain whatever garners the best response from your target audience.

Sometimes, it actually takes just the CTA to turn a website around, from a laggard to one that can generate leads online. Leads can make a huge difference in your business. How you get them and the tools you utilise matter. You just need to make the most of what you have, especially if you have a website.

Read 2442 times
Tim Williams

Founder and Managing Director of A Website That Works For You, Tim Williams has lead "The Green Team" to success helping business owners take advantage of leading Web Design and Online Marketing practices.

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